This amazing speech was spoken on January 31 1990, when John Taylor Gatto was receiving his teacher of the year award in New York. I was 16, about to start my final year of high school in Adelaide, Australia, and not year aware that my schooling life, particularly the last five years of it, taught me many of the things that John Taylor Gatto writes about in his speech. Looking back, it seems ridiculous to think that my children could have gone to school!
About 17 years later, I had the privileged to meet Mr Gatto at a home education conference in Adelaide, when I was pregnant with my third child. It was 2007, and I was in my very early days home educating, and I was struck by his presence, and his confidence, that all of us at this conference choosing to home educate were on the right path, because it was the only way to have whole children in our society again.
I am grateful to have had the chance to hear him speak, because of his unique position as an educator.
"The six lesson school teacher", a great article, covering what school actually teaches your child.