So today we didn't have any activities on, and our plan was to do some learning at home. However last night I slept very badly due to a sore neck, so some amendments were made to the day.
Both boys have done a bunch of independant work- appropriate to their capabilities. For DS15 he can do most of his learning without me, so it's really DS10, that needs more attention.
I have spent the day in my pyjamas, and although I am quite tired now, my neck is feeling significantly better. I had a nap in the middle of the day, DS21 picked up some parcels for me, and as I started to improved I did a bit of reading with the younger two, as well as helping DS10 get onto his sewing.
In situations such as this, I try to work out how much I can manage. Sometimes it's better to just do nothing, or maybe watch a movie or watch something educational. As kids gets older, it gets easier, to ask them to do their work/activity and to leave the parent to rest.
"The six lesson school teacher", a great article, covering what school actually teaches your child.