When starting our home educating it can be easy to get caught up thinking that you need to spend the same amount of hours learning, that school provides. In reality the situation is quite different.
School takes a lot of time for little content, because of the poor teacher to student ratio, and the fact that a lot of school time is simply busy work. Many of the kids could learn the work faster and more easily if it was present in more appropriate learning styles for them, if there were fewer distractions and if they knew once they were done with a topic they would be allowed some freedom to do something else.
Once realising that what school does can be done quite quickly it becomes possible to teach other skills, or give more freedom to natural learning in the time schedule so that learning can happen at any time.
Over our years of home educating at well as being Steiner inspired we have tended towards becoming "life learners" and so there are all sort of random learning moments happening throughout the week. For the sake of reporting on our home educating I like to document them on my calendar, the same way I might note down an outing.
"The six lesson school teacher", a great article, covering what school actually teaches your child.